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Lamar Elementary building exterior

Lamar Elementary is a a K-5 elementary school in the New Braunfels ISD which originally opened in 1923.  Located in Comal County, New Braunfels is situated in a high-growth area between San Antonio and Austin. 

Lamar is anticipated to grow in enrollment and staff as NBISD continues to increase enrollment with the development of new housing.  Lamar will continue to be one of four designated Life Skills campuses for grades K-5 in NBISD for the 2022-2023 school year. 

Lamar Elementary continues to experience a high level of family and community commitment and engagement, as evidenced by the attendance at school events, collaboration between parents and staff surrounding student progress, and multiple, consistently active volunteers.

The students and families at Lamar are supportive of all students, regardless of differences which may exist.  Students partner together to achieve success, supported by staff.

New Braunfels has a rich history and heritage.  Local organizations, including the Sophienburg and Wurstfest, provide experiences for Lamar students to learn more about how New Braunfels was settled and the various cultural celebrations.

The Lamar PTA works side by side with administration and teachers to provide opportunities for students.  They also support the school through volunteerism, and they facilitate fund raising for further campus improvements.

School Hours

Tardy Bell: 7:55am
Dismissal: 3:25pm

Office Hours

7:10am - 4:00pm